Study public relations, and be the face of a company. You’ll become qualified to do things like market research, branding, social media marketing, writing press releases, public speaking, and much more. We offer a range of online courses, so you can study anytime, anywhere! Put your creativity and interpersonal skills to work, and study a public relations course.
Public Relations Courses
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Public relations is a career path that will never go out of style - companies in all industries can use it, and with the rise in popularity of social media, it's more important than ever that businesses are connected with and accountable to their customers. During a typical day, you could be creating posts for a Facebook page, writing a press release, meeting with industry contacts, and organising a news story for broadcast.
Public relations jobs are set to grow strongly in the coming years, and a PR professional has an average pre-tax salary of $1129 per week. Enquire about a PR course to see how you can join this lucrative profession.